That beautiful, deadly green comes from Paris Green/Schweinfurt Green. Otherwise known as copper acetate triarsenite or copper acetoarsenite. This pigment was used in fabrics, wallpaper, printing (fashion plates, books, boxes, paper), candles, artificial flowers—even in food. And it was lethal, especially in warm & damp environments (like sweaty clothes and boots), which caused it to form arsine gas.
That fashion plate would certainly test positive for this fatal green.
That beautiful, deadly green comes from Paris Green/Schweinfurt Green. Otherwise known as copper acetate triarsenite or copper acetoarsenite. This pigment was used in fabrics, wallpaper, printing (fashion plates, books, boxes, paper), candles, artificial flowers—even in food. And it was lethal, especially in warm & damp environments (like sweaty clothes and boots), which caused it to form arsine gas.
That fashion plate would certainly test positive for this fatal green.